steel resistant to atmospheric corrosion . The anticorrosive properties of weather resistant steel are better than those of other structural steels in many applications. The steel is self-protecting: the rust layer on the surface becomes a tight oxid

Bebon International offer ASTM A387 Grade 5 Class 2 steel application,and ASTM A387 Grade 5 Class 2 steel Chemical composition.we have a lot of ASTM A387 Grade 5 Class 2 steel stock.ASTM A387 Grade 5 Class 2 equivalents steel is ASTM/ASME A387-5-2.

Boiler & Pressure Vessel Steel Plates covers carbon steel plates intended primarily for service in welded pressure vessels where improved notch toughness is important.We supply boiler and pressure vessel plate for the most demanding environments.

ABS grade A ShipBuilding Steel is used to make ship and river ship hull structure steel, for high-quality low-alloy steel.

BEBOn is specializing in the production of General purpose structural steel plates manufacturers in china ,we offer a variety of high quality General purpose structural steel plates.

steel for welded tubes is used in a multitude of applications where strength, appearance, ease of fabrication.BEBON supply steel for welded tubes. if you need steel for welded tubes, please contact us!

S355J0W is a steel of structural weathering steel,Like S355J0WP, S355J0W is a weathering steel and is an equivalent to Corten B.We can offer S355J0W stock,as a steel supplier in China. As the S355J0W steel stock material rusts when exposed to atmosph

High yield steel is an extremely cost effective solution - for example,BEBON can supply High yield steel from stock on a global basis. Care should be taken to check the suitability when choosing High yield steel.

Steel with Cr., Mo.,Cr-Mo description Steel with Cr., Mo.,Cr-Mo is a family of SAE steel grades, as specified by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE). Alloying elements include chromium and molybdenum, and as a result these materials are often r

steel for gas cylinders and gas vessels are characterised by a minimum yield strength of 245 - 355 MPa and by good weldability.Bebon supply steel for gas cylinders and gas vessels.